15 Facts You Need To Know Before Breast Augmentation

Your body is your job! But when you come to a plastic surgeon with a request for breast augmentation, he will definitely ask about the reasons for this decision. And if this is the desire to look beautiful in a swimsuit or to fulfill your partner's dream of a big breast, you will most likely be denied.

Because the breast can be enlarged only for yourself and only if you want to feel comfortable in your body!

Honest information about breast augmentation

periareolar breast mammoplasty

Breast augmentation is a serious operation that requires an informed decision and careful calculation of possible risks. You need to prepare for this: get tested, undergo the necessary examinations, stop taking certain medications in advance, lose weight if you are overweight, and quit smoking.

But even careful preparation is not a guarantee of a favorable outcome. So before you decide to go under the surgeon's scalpel, find out what awaits you and what can go wrong!

Before and after photos are not always informative

Today, every plastic surgery clinic has its own website where you can see pictures "before" and "after" the operations of a particular doctor. But when considering them, the patient must take into account that his breasts may look different.

To get an idea of what the breasts will look like after the operation, a doctor of medical sciences, plastic surgeon advises to evaluate the results of people with a similar body type. Such photos will give a more realistic picture.

Breast augmentation is possible without surgery

Many women are tempted to enlarge their breasts without surgery for one or two procedures. Cosmetologists and plastic surgeons can fulfill this desire by suggesting the use of fillers based on hyaluronic acid or their own fat cells.

However, it should be noted that these are temporary solutions. They have both advantages and disadvantages. And in this case it is more difficult to predict the outcome of the procedure than with surgical breast augmentation.

The correction of the shape with fat cells has a significant drawback.

girl measures breast size by centimeter

Not all fat cells will undergo a "transplant". According to the doctor of medical sciences, ,30 to 50% of fat cells die.

At the same time, no one knows which cells will survive and which will not. Therefore, your expectations for breast augmentation with fillers may not match the reality after the procedure.

The first breast operation is unlikely to be the last

Implants are not a permanent purchase. According to the plastic surgeon, most of them need to be replaced within 12-15 years after the operation, and some even earlier.

The implant may begin to leak or form scars around the implant, which spoils the shape of the breast and poses a threat to health. In addition, external and internal causes can push implant replacement - weight gain or loss, breastfeeding, gravity.

The doctor recommends planning surgery only when there is confidence that the budget will allow for reconstruction surgery over the next 12 years.

There are several types of incisions during surgery.

Experts say that depending on the initial shape of the breast and the desired parameters, the doctor may suggest surgery with an incision in the armpit, fold under the breast, in the areola, and in some cases in the abdomen.

The most common options are an incision in the areola and in the fold under the breast. The location of the probable incision should be discussed with your doctor.

It is not always possible to enlarge the breasts to the desired volume

If a member of the fairer sex naturally has a cup of size A, she will not be able to obtain the volume of DD in one operation. The skin of the breast, as well as the body, takes time to get used to the changes. Therefore, the doctor recommends breast augmentation first by 1-2 sizes, and then, if necessary, after a few years, replacing the implants with larger ones.

Drastic changes can be costly

consultation for breast augmentation with a mammologist

"The most important thing when planning breast augmentation surgery is to find a good implant, " says Dr. , a plastic surgeon. "According to my estimates, about 30% of errors and complications during plastic surgery are due to the fact thatthe doctor or patient has chosen the wrong implant. "

Choosing an implant that is too large for the patient can lead to thinning of the breast tissue and surrounding muscles, which is difficult to reverse. A good doctor will always tell you the maximum size of the implant that the patient can look for.

It takes time to recover after surgery

Both after breast augmentation and after breast reduction, the patient needs time to recover. The minimum sick leave will be 5-7 days. At the end of it, you can return to work, provided that it does not involve hard physical labor.

Painkillers work wonders today, but don't overestimate them!

The implants are felt under the skin

It is believed that implants are always felt when touching a woman's breast,but this is not the case. It is difficult to find properly selected and well installed. However, there is such an opportunity!

Another person is more likely to suspect the presence of implants in a woman who initially had a small breast volume (and therefore a small amount of tissue) than a woman whose volume was larger.

Some implants can worsen health

how to choose implants for breast augmentation

Experts have linked some types of breast implants to an increased risk of cancer. "We are talking about such diversity as anaplastic large cell lymphoma. It is thought to be related in some way to textured breast implants, as women with oncology are most often diagnosed with oncology, "warns the plastic surgeon.

The adjustment may affect the ability to breastfeed

By making an incision in the breast, we disrupt the natural anatomy, reduce the amount of breast tissue that produces milk, "says the doctor. " There is still a good chance that you can still breastfeed. and glands to be damaged. "

Temporary loss of nipple sensitivity after surgery

For several weeks after surgery, many patients notice a lack of breast tenderness, but in most cases this is a temporary phenomenon. Complete loss of sensitivity is rare.

A doctor of medical sciences, a plastic surgeon, says that although she has operated on thousands of patients, she has never experienced a complete loss of breast sensitivity in a woman.

Surgery can affect a woman's posture

change of posture after breast augmentation

If a woman chooses a slightly larger breast volume than her natural data, her posture is unlikely to change. But when it comes to impressively sized breast implants, their weight can be palpable and therefore more difficult to carry.

If there is a history of back pain, this factor should be considered.

Maybe just breast augmentation will not be enough

After pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding, some women dream of breast augmentation as a panacea that will solve all the problems with their appearance. But it may not be enough.

Breast augmentation alone will not make the breasts tight and toned. In some cases, two surgeries are needed at once: breast augmentation and lifting. The doctor can do them at the same time.

The decision to operate must be well balanced

Before contacting a plastic surgeon, find answers to the following questions:

  • Is my current breast volume really a problem for me?
  • Why do I need surgery?
  • Do I have an "airbag" - free funds that may be needed if something goes wrong?
  • Am I ready to accept the possible risks of breast augmentation?
  • Do I really need surgery?

The answers to these questions will help you make the right decision.

Expert comment
Oncologist, general surgeon

Mammoplasty or breast augmentation procedure is a type of surgery that requires special preparation.

Mammoplasty is performed as part of cosmetic surgery, ie it is performed at the patient's request, with the exception of breast reduction surgeries (reduction mammoplasty), which are often performed for medical reasons. The girl must assess the risks on her own before making an appointment with a plastic surgeon.

You must first study the contraindications to the procedure. If a woman has severe pathologies of the cardiovascular system, varicose veins, bleeding disorders and cancer, then these chronic diseases will become an absolute contraindication for mammoplasty. Such surgeries are also prohibited during pregnancy and lactation.

Patients diagnosed with diabetes, hypertension, coronary heart disease, rheumatism, mastopathy and obesity should consult a doctor before breast augmentation surgery. In addition, the chronic disease should be in stable remission during the procedure.

The woman should also think about future pregnancies. If after the operation the girl plans to become a mother, then it is better to perform the operation through an incision under the breast or in the armpit. Placing implants through an incision in the areola of the nipple can compromise the integrity of part of the milk ducts, which is likely to make it difficult for the baby to feed.

You need to understand that a quality procedure will not be cheap. The average cost of mammoplasty in a good clinic is quite high. Sign up for a consultation only with trusted professionals with extensive experience. A careful approach to choosing a doctor will reduce the likelihood of complications after surgery. As a rule, the meeting with a plastic surgeon lasts about an hour and a half. During this time, the girl should ask the doctor about implants to determine the volume, future size and shape of the bust.

After the consultation, the date of the operation will be determined. The preparation time is about two weeks. During this time, the patient takes the necessary tests to assess health. The list of mandatory tests includes the following medical procedures: clinical and biochemical blood tests, tests for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis, urine analysis, coagulogram, ECG, mammography, fluorography (X-ray), vascular ultrasound.

The hospital stay lasts about 3-5 days. During this time, the main operation is performed, monitoring the patient's condition after mammoplasty and the first dressing. The girl then returned home for rehabilitation.

For a month you will need to wear special compression underwear, and also do not have to raise your arms over your shoulders and lift heavy objects. For two or three weeks you will have to sleep only on your back, the next 4-5 months - sideways or on your back, you can turn on your stomach only after six months. Classes in the gym, as well as trips to the bath or sauna will have to be postponed for 2-3 months.

During the rehabilitation period, the patient will have to come for bandages and seal the scars with a special silicone plaster. Recovery will take approximately six months, after which you can return to an active life.

Expert comment
Plastic surgeon

All implants that are approved for use in our country have a lifetime warranty. This means that they do not have to change for medical reasons over time.

There are three types of access: axillary, periareolar (along the edge of the areola) and submammary (through the fold under the breast). In my practice I most often use the axillary approach, because in this case the scar is practically invisible. It is located in the armpit and eventually becomes like a wrinkle. There are no visible scars on the chest.

I use endoprosthesis through the areola when the axillary access does not allow full surgery. I use the submammary access for a second operation if the implants have been pre-installed in the same way. All types of access are safe if the surgeon has them.

Implants differ in the softness of the gel, the shell, the type and the size. The surgeon can take them only in a personal consultation. All implants are of good quality, but usually surgeons have their own preferences. So focus on the surgeon's work and compare them to your own ideas of beauty.

As a rule, I do not use implants with a large volume - more than 450 cubic meters. see Large implants cause tissue atrophy and become visible over time, even if they are located axillary. That is, they are covered with muscles at the top and contoured at the bottom. This occurs in patients with low fiber and a narrow chest. If the woman has a wide chest, then larger implants can be placed. But such cases are quite rare.

Expert comment
Plastic surgeon

Despite the fact that mammoplasty is one of the most popular plastic surgeries and has become a fairly common procedure before applying it, the patient must learn some of the nuances so as not to be surprised after the operation.

  1. Nothing lasts forever and implants have a life of their own. It is impossible to install them once in a lifetime. Sooner or later they will have to be changed, because there is such a thing as depreciation. And how these processes will proceed in a particular case, how the tissues will behave, no one knows in advance, everything is individual. Therefore, after breast correction, all girls are advised to visit a mammologist at least once every six months, it is necessary to do an ultrasound scan of the breast to detect changes in time and to prescribe surgery to replace endoprostheses.
  2. Patients with certain chronic diseases, and in particular those with reduced immune status, should inform their doctor, who will schedule an additional examination. And only then will make your own judgment whether it is worth installing implants or not.
  3. If the breast is ptosis, lowered, and the main part of the mammary gland is in the lower half, then in this situation it is better to install a round implant. If there is no clear upper pole, this always implies the installation of an endoprosthesis under the muscle.
  4. In case the nipples "look" from the side, but the patient wants to bring them closer, this is possible only if there is a large volume of skin and breast tissue. If it is not there, then it is impossible to bring them closer and when installing the implant, the nipples will remain in their original position, while the prosthesis will be installed in the middle of the nipple.
  5. If the patient has a narrow interthoracic distance, then during the installation of endoprostheses he will remain so naturally beautiful. When large enough, more than 2-2, 5 cm, it can be reduced when placing implants. However, it is important to take into account the fact that at this point the implant will be palpable and over time the appearance of a visual defect - the so-called tearing or unevenness of the skin - is not excluded.